Our Colchester

Applications open for new Chief Executive

Sam Good, Chief Executive Officer at Our Colchester BID will be stepping away from his role at the end August. Whilst we are sad that he has made the difficult decision to leave for pastures new, we are also delighted for him that he will be staying in the place-shaping industry in the future .

Sam Good said "Colchester City Centre and its businesses really are one-of-a-kind and it has been an absolute pleasure to lead the BID over the last six years to support our businesses through the pandemic and recovery, deliver large scales events and installations whilst also developing and enhancing relationships between the BID and Colchester stakeholders such as the local authorities, Essex Police and many more. I am extremely excited for Colchester's future as I truly believe it is a really exciting place to be at the moment and I will be keeping a close eye on its continued growth in the coming years. I would like to thank everyone that I have worked with for enabling proactive and encouraging discussions, having important and sometimes tricky conversations, with always the best intentions for our City Centre."

Simon Blaxill, Chair of the BID stated "The BID board are very sorry to be losing Sam Good but wish him well in his new role. He has been instrumental in raising the profile of the Colchester BID across the community, not only with local businesses but also with the Colchester and Essex councils as well as numerous other bodies. He has great skills that will be missed but I am pleased to say that he will be there in the background to support the BID in taking the Colchester BID forward over the next 5 years."

The Board of Directors will be interviewing for Sam's replacement in the coming weeks but are committed to maintaining the existing level of service and business support.

If you have any questions please contact hello@ourcolchester.co.uk

The job advertisement can be found here: https://britishbids.info/bid-jobs/our-colchester-bid-bid-manager

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