Our Colchester

Our Colchester BID Community fund



The Our Colchester BID Community Fund is open to any Colchester based small-scale voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector organisations - the organisation can be outside the BID zone but the activities linked to this funding must take place within the BID zone.

The fund will provide up to £300 in funding to help you bring your idea to life, you could be celebrating your organisations anniversary, celebrating your amazing volunteers, celebrating a local hero, celebrating cultures or celebrating a historic event or much more!

Applications open on 5th May 2023 and will be offered on a rolling basis until all funds are spent. The panel will aim to meet on a regular basis to make decisions on applications and therefore you are encouraged to get your applications in as soon as possible.
Please note: The project/event/activity must take on or before 30th Sept 2023.

Funding applications must not exceed £300, applications exceeding this will be rejected.

Who can apply?

Any Colchester based small-scale voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector organisations - the organisation can be outside the BID zone but the activities linked to this funding must take place within the BID zone.

How to apply:

  • Confirm you meet the criteria below
  • Apply online here from the 5th May 2023
  • Application received, verified and passed panel
  • Your application will then be reviewed at a panel which takes place once a month, if successful you will be notified and the grant awarded.
  • Please allow up to 6 weeks from date of applying
  • Monitoring required on completion of project to share outcomes and impact of the project.


We will provide up to £300 in funding to help you bring your idea to life! You could be celebrating your organisations anniversary, celebrating your amazing volunteers, celebrating a local hero, celebrating cultures, celebrating a historic event or much more!

You must also demonstrate how you will try to collaborate with groups and residents in the wider community. The event must widely advertised and open to all to attended to encourage footfall and activity with the BID area.

All events need to adhere to health and safety guidelines.


You will be asked to provide the following 4 answers and at least 2 outcomes will be required

  • Brief overview/description.
  • Why is this project/event needed? For example, do you have research/evidence showing a need for your project/event
  • Who will be your main beneficiaries? How many will attend?
  • Where will you event take place?

To access support with your application, please contact Funding@community360.org.uk.