Our Colchester

The Leisure Recovery Strategy And Leisure Business Support

The Leisure Recovery Strategy

Following the clear impact on the leisure industry from the Covid-19 pandemic Our Colchester BID commissioned leisure experts Six till Six to research and create a Leisure Recovery Strategy for the City centre which could act as an outlined number of steps and guides for stakeholders in the city to support leisure businesses.

This strategy is now complete and was launched in June 2022.

Click here to read more about the launch of the Leisure Recovery Strategy 

Ask For Angela

Our Colchester BID are leading on a training initiative to help improve night-time economy safety capabilities in leisure businesses in the city centre. This includes a renewed Ask for Angela scheme which includes training resources for all Leisure and Late night businesses in the City centre.

READ MORE About ask for Angela

Vulnerability Training

Vulnerability training is now available for Night Time Economy Businesses (Pubs, Bars, Clubs etc). This training is designed to best equip you and your staff in identifying vulnerable customers in your businesses and puts you in a place to best support them.

Vulnerability Training is being delivered by Our Colchester Business Improvement District (BID) in partnership with Colchester City Council, and the Police and Fire Crime Commissioner. Funding for this programme has been secured through the Home Office Safer Streets Four Fund, making this training completely free and accessible to all.

4 training sessions have already passed in 2022 with 9 new sessions happening in 2023 for any staff in Colchester city centre associated with the night time economy.

The training sessions will be delivered by Six Till Six, industry experts.

Dates of Training:

24.01.2023 - 15:00 and 18:00

25.01.2023 - 10:00

21.02.2023 - 15:00 and 18:00

22.02.2023 - 10:00

21.03.2023 - 15:00 and 18:00

22.03.2023 - 10:00

This is completely free of charge for all leisure businesses in the city centre. 


Our Impact

Since reigniting the Ask for Angela Campaign in October 2022, over 380 training booklets have been handed out to leisure businesses in the City centre. Additional resources have been provided to those who need it and additional Vulnerability Training is available. Our efforts are having a real impact on the safety capabilities of the City centre. Whilst the ideal situation is for all visitors in the late night economy to feel at ease and enjoy a safe night, we are proud that the Ask for Angela scheme has been in place when it has been needed by visitors. Acting proactively in partnerships with venues across the city centre will secure the city's future as a top leisure destination.

Click the image below to how the Ask for Angela scheme has already had a positive impact on visitors experiences in the town.